Town of Lanark, WI
Official Website
of the
Town of Lanark

Comprehensive Plan

The Town’s Comprehensive Plan is available for review online.

The Comprehensive Plan is the centerpiece of the community planning process, stating our community’s development goals and outlining public policies for guiding future growth.  

State statute requires that a comprehensive plan be updated every ten years, that the citizens of the town be notified of the process, and that all meetings of the Town of Lanark Plan Commission are open to public participation.  The plan was updated in 2015 while exploring agricultural lands in Lanark that were eligible for Wisconsin’s Farmland Preservation program.  The services of a Portage County Planner (Kristen Johnson) became available in 2018 so the town is using the opportunity created by her availability to review all elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

Lanark’s Plan Commission, with guidance from Portage County Planning and Zoning, is responsible for updating the plan.  The Plan Commission is composed of a member of the town board, the town clerk and 3-5 Lanark citizens.  The Plan Commission is typically held the first Thursday of the month at the Lanark Town Hall.  Meeting times and agenda are also posted at the Lanark Town Hall and on the Town’s web site and event calendar at  

Upcoming Events
10:00 am Plan Commission meeting
Plan Commission meeting
Mar 6 @ 10:00 am
The monthly meeting of the Plan Commission for the Town of Lanark is held (if necessary).
10:00 am Plan Commission meeting
Plan Commission meeting
Apr 3 @ 10:00 am
The monthly meeting of the Plan Commission for the Town of Lanark is held (if necessary).
10:00 am Plan Commission meeting
Plan Commission meeting
May 1 @ 10:00 am
The monthly meeting of the Plan Commission for the Town of Lanark is held (if necessary).
10:00 am Plan Commission meeting
Plan Commission meeting
Jun 5 @ 10:00 am
The monthly meeting of the Plan Commission for the Town of Lanark is held (if necessary).
10:00 am Plan Commission meeting
Plan Commission meeting
Jul 3 @ 10:00 am
The monthly meeting of the Plan Commission for the Town of Lanark is held (if necessary).